Monday, January 9, 2012

Teaching about Christ

(This is Day 9 of my Journaling through January series)

Imagine you are talking to someone who has never heard of Jesus. How would you explain Him? What would you say? more » 

Gosh, I don't even know how to begin that one. There are so many ways to start, depending on what that person already believes. Just to make things simpler for me, I'm going to assume that this person has a belief in some sort of God and some sort of pre-mortal and post-mortal life.  Otherwise, this could be a very long post!

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is my Savior. He is your Savior, too. He came to earth thousands of years ago to erase our sins and mistakes by suffering for them. He did this because he loves us, and because we cannot do this for ourselves. When I do something wrong, I can become clean again through Christ's sacrifice for my sins. When I feel lost or unimportant, I can remember that Jesus, a perfect being, the Son of God, came to earth to take upon him my iniquities and sufferings. Because he gave his life in every way for me and for the whole human race, I can have true peace and joy at all times.

Jesus also gave us commandments that teach us how to live according to the will of God. He taught us to love God, our Eternal Father, with all our heart, mind, and strength. He taught us to love one another, even our enemies. He taught us how to have peace and joy by following his example and relying on his atonement to become clean and pure.

I have felt the cleansing power of Jesus Christ in my life. I know that I can repent of my mistakes because Christ loved me enough to redeem me. This testimony gives me such hope and joy.

Jesus Christ is the central figure in Mormon doctrine

I know that what I have written is a very sad attempt. It does not come at all close to conveying everything that Jesus is to me. But the time has come to post this, perfect or not. I have tried about four times today, and every time I ended up erasing it because it just doesn't seem good enough. It's still not really good enough, but maybe I can come back to it another day and make it better.

Journaling through January is a series which can be found on

1 comment:

  1. I sometimes wonder if I will ever develop the ability to adequately express my feelings for our Heavenly Father and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I appreciate your honest testimony and the struggle to write it.
