Thursday, January 12, 2012

Gifts and Talents

(This is Day 12 of my Journaling through January series)

We are called to use our gifts and talents to fulfill the work of the Lord. What are your gifts? How can you use them this year?

Music: I have the wonderful blessing of being my ward's choir director, and I truly love this calling! I feel like this is a really good way for me to use my musical abilities in serving others.

Writing: Blogging is a really good way to use my writing skills right now.

Homemaking: I don't know if I would call myself a really talented homemaker, but I feel like I've definitely been given a gift in the time I have to do crafty things. I know life won't always be so peaceful and conducive to crafting, cooking, and cleaning as it is right now, so I'd better take advantage of it while I have the chance. You'll get to see some of these things I've been working on someday (hopefully soon!).

Teaching children: Before I quit the workforce, I taught children at an elementary school. I was pretty good at it, though I do say so myself. Someday, I want to teach homeschool classes for my community using a few of the materials and techniques I learned at the school. I have a lot of ideas that I think might be pretty good. I'm not exactly sure how or when, but I plan to do it sometime soon. Until then, I'm plenty happy with teaching my son how to crawl, how to walk, and how to give his mommy kisses.

Journaling through January is a series which can be found on

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